Thursday, November 8, 2012

Inside Scoop of Your Founding Fathers

Authors Note: This is not that easy to come up with something to write about our founding fathers. So I really that to think and this is what I came up with . I hope you enjoy

“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” George Washington. Imagine talking to one of the first presidents that would be such and honor.  Being able to talk with one of our 44 president would be such a privilege.  Especially talking to one of our very first presidents. 

For me it would be such a great pleasure to talk George Washington because he was a very first president.  In one case he was chosen to lead the Continental Army. That would be the most significant feeling in the world to be chosen to lead the Continental Army in war. In addition I would also thank you for being such a wonderful role model He got things done when they were supposed to get done; he just did everything he was supposed to do. You know what really catches me off guard is... how did George Washington get things done within a certain time period? As a president I think it would be really hard to do, because with all that pressure for being the first president. Just think how hard it would be trying to run a country but then having a meeting to worry about. I grantee that a lot of people can relate to this; I think that people can relate because there is a lot of pressure with having to get something done within a period of time.

With having that pressure to worry about might as well add some more because he had to keep his country safe from any harm. Personally I don't think I could make it in the office for 4 years as a president. I think it would be extremely hard, but I'm glad that we have a president like George Washington, if we didn't what type of world would we be. Mr. Washington did such a good job in whatever he did. He was a great role model for those around him. He set goals for him that he was able to achieve. If I was to have a chance to sit down and talk to him I don’t think I would be able to find any flaws that he has. As a president  he was honest. He did everything he was told.

Many different people would have different things to say to him or to ask him. That's okay. I know that in my own opinion that he was a great first president. I would have to spend a whole day with him just to ask him all my question and how much I appreciate his hard work toward his country. 

His loyalty, his hard working and goals that he set for himself made people realize that we need more presidents like this. The people will always remember George Washington as a hard working president. I really appreciate all the work and hard dedication that he put toward his country. Thank you George Washington 

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